For a little change of scenery this year, Mr. C asked us if we'd be willing to each type up a little 'rememberance' about the trip, highlighting things that stuck out to each of us. Here goes:
Over the past four summers, I have had the privilege of helping out with Grace Lutheran's VBS. From SonRock Kids Camp to A Vast Voyage to Jungle Adventure to Adventures on Promise Island -the t-shirt colors have changed, the hallway seceneries have come and gone, but the message and theme of the camp has always been the same - Jesus is the way.
This year instead of helping out in the music room (as I had done each of my other 3 trips), I was asked by the camp coordinator, Mrs. Julie Crain - to co-teach a class of 5-7 year olds. At first, I was a bit uncomfortable by the thought of it, as it would be a step out of my comfort zone. But after trying it this year, I am beyond thankful that I was given the opportunity. The kids were awesome, and getting to try this gave me a different outlook on this camp and how all of us teen helpers had come and grown throughout the years. It's crazy to think how we (everyone that helps with the VBS) have such a strong hand in the spiritual futures of these little children. What better feeling is there? Or what better way to help make a difference in someone's life? The entire camp was a great success. Great turnout, great weather, fun songs, many memories. And too, getting to sightsee around DC was mega fun.
Every year I get back from this trip, I say: "This was the best week of my life". And this past week now holds that title. I met so many great people on all of my times out here (especially this one) and I want to take a sec and thank them. From my first time out in 2009 until now, THANK YOU - from the bottom of my heart to every single person who gave me the opportunity to be apart of this great trip and Bible camp. It has changed my life =.
A song I've grown quite familiar with this past year (mainly because of the whole graduation experience) is the song "Closing Time" by the band Semisonic. You've probably heard it before. One of the lyrics from that song is "Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end". Due to my age, this is the final DC trip that I will be a part of for the foreseeable future. This mission trip has come and gone in my life, and there are many things to look forward to as I continue on the journey of life. But I will never forget these 4 weeks I've spent in Washington DC.
One of those things to look forward to is college starting this fall.
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end"
UWGB was a beginning at one time.
MLC, here I come.