Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hot and Humid (but no rain)

This morning at VBS, the heat was on in full force. Temperatures climbed into the low 90's. Everyone tried to stay cool in the AC or the shade, but games were in the shadeless playing field. Kyle, Bethany, Matt and I played two and a half hours of capture the flag! The kids seemed to really enjoy it.

Ashley's group reenacted the parting of the Red Sea today by dumping water on some of the students. As you can see in one of the pictures, the kids tried to get her back.

Chris got his workout doing the actions to the songs, over and over. However, we were quick to point out that this was still in the air conditioning.

This afternoon we went to Arlington National Cemetery and then to the Marines Sunset Parade. The storms looked to be blowing in, but luckily they missed us. (Eileen even got a hug from a solider)

Can't believe tomorrow is already Wednesday. We hope to post some videos for everyone tomorrow.

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