For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right
hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. - Isaiah 41:13
In the
past couple of months, I have given out alot of information about our trip. The flight
times. What to bring. What NOT to bring. Contact Numbers. The list could go on
and on. However, none of those things are a sure thing. Our flight could be
delayed. We could pack twice - or three times - the amount of clothes
and supplies the you will actually need. The person you are trying to contact may not answer
their phone. But we know one thing is sure as we leave for Virginia.
Our God will go with us!!
And that God who will be with us is the one of
whom we will share once we are down there. I look forward to this trip. I am
excited to share its experiences with all of you. Connecting or reconnecting with Grace Lutheran and its peoples. God will go with us, and bless us. See you on Saturday!!
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